Today is a late post because the day was filled with Stuff To Do. However, I can't go on about that without mentioning some Stuff We Did over the weekend.
Coloring two boys each chose red and green for their favorites. And those, of course, came out brightest. The blue and purple came out weird and speckled. I don't know why those colors always do that, but they do. This time I even remembered to put the eggs back in the refrigerator later.
The next morning was the Easter Egg hunt on church grounds. I don't know specifically why it's a hunt when all they do is roll them on the lawn and let the kids dive for them, but there it is. My older son is too old to participate, so he helps load the eggs with goodies instead. My younger one can still try. This year he got a grand total of four eggs, because the stimulation overload is too much for him and he wanders in circles uncertain of which eggs to pick while the other kids grab them all. He looked cute though.
In a spate of ambition I decided to turn the new whole wheat flour into bread. In a further turn to the unwise, I decided to make two loaves at once. Eight and a half cups of flour makes a lot of dough. A lot. Like a basketball size. And this basketball needs to be repeatedly pummeled until it forms gluten. This process takes a long time and a lot of muscle when done by hand. A day and a half later my shoulders are still sore. Notice I don't have any photos of the kneading. It's because my fingers were too worn out.
As a result of slight under-kneading (gee I wonder why...owwwww) the loaves are dense, but they're moist and taste delicious. Besides the wheat flour, there's milk, oil and honey in them, with yeast to make them airy (haha). Next time I'm cutting the recipe in half and cutting the wheat flour with white flour, half and half. That should lighten up the dough. I'm nothing if not optimistic.
Besides nearly giving myself a hernia making wheat bread by hand, I also cooked Easter dinner. That day pretty much wiped me out.
Which is why I decided today to finish giving the dried decorative grasses in the yard a haircut and prune some shrubberies, then clean up the front and back yard, filling two lawn and leaf bags, the 50 gallon kind, today. In between the rain. Oh, and then I went out to the middle school jubilee for three hours to sample my elder son's cooking, as he was in a special program where the high school kids in trade school mentored middle school kids to teach them cool stuff. He looks awesomely cute in a chef coat.
When I get energy, I use it up hard. I think I'll have some wheat toast for breakfast tomorrow.
Ok, Jennifer. I read your blog and gasped. You put me to shame. I too used a yeast product this weekend but it was in a disgusto breakfast coffee cake recipe which required a boxed cake mix. While I was making this disgusto breakfast cake recipe I remembered thinking, "remember when I tried to make yeast biscuits which turned out to be perfect hockey pucks for the kids to play with outside?" They didn't even smell good in the oven.
ReplyDeleteColoring Easter Eggs this weekend? Fahget about it! I was feeling too good about feeling crappy with a cold.
You're an amazing woman. I don't know how you do it. It's 7:39am. I just finished reading your blog on a Tuesday morning and I'm exhausted. I'm taking a nap.
P.S. My kids are coming over to your house this afternoon. What are two more Aspergian boys in a creative household like yours? Have Pat teach them to speak Norwegian while you show them how to knit. They'll love it!! ;)
Hahaha, I think I'd be stabbing myself in the eyes with knitting needles by the end of it. And swearing in Norwegian, lol. I did all that stuff because I wasn't sick. When I'm sick I drag around too, trust me.;)