If you've ever seen even one episode of the Three Stooges, you've seen it.
Larry or Curly is working on a task Moe assigned to him, and doing a comically bad job of it. Moe walks up, watches for a few moments with that scrunchy scowly face he gets when he's annoyed, then asks Larry or Curly what he thinks he's doing. They exchange some witty repartee, which Moe happens to take exception to, and as Larry or Curly is turning away, satisfied with himself, Moe does it. Gives him the classic dopeslap. It's an open-handed slap with the palm of the hand to the back of the head, from low to high, and if it's done right (and hard enough), it makes the recipient's head rock forward and in Larry or Curly's case, makes him stumble forward off balance. Hilariously funny, take my word for it. I've been laughing at it since I was four years old.
I have a personal love for the Three Stooges, violent as the comedy tends to be; physical comedy just tickles me every time. Some may think it quite low-brow, and maybe it is, but I just can't stop from laughing out loud when people get hit in the faces with objects or poked in the eyes by a vengeful Moe. I know it's all staged, so perhaps that's why I feel so free to laugh at people seemingly getting hurt. As an aside for another day, the movie "Dodgeball" makes me howl from beginning to end, the scene with the flying wrenches just about killing me.
But back to the dopeslap, the reason for today's post. High-brow, ain't I? Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
I did not realize such a gesture was called a "dopeslap" until recently, while listening to Click and Clack on Car Talk. No, I'm not particularly a car nut, and my car appears to be inclined to run for the moment (knock wood). I love listening to Click and Clack because of their accents and because they are hilariously funny while talking about cars (I can admire that). The instant they used the word dopeslap in an episode one day (an episode that had me laughing aloud while driving, a scene that I'm sure amused anyone looking into my car), I knew exactly what they were referring to.
Today I was dopeslapped by no less than four, count 'em, four of my friends. It was done entirely unknowing by them, over the internet, and in the most gentle, friendly manner possible. After the terrible day I had yesterday job hunting, I was reminded.....I have friends in our industry, and they'd love to help me.
Uh, doi? I should have known that, right? That's why I signed up on LinkedIn and kept all my contacts on Facebook and remember people's emails. Yeah, I should have, but for some reason, I've been feeling adrift in a vast and empty sea, alone in my little boat with a couple of crackers and a little tin cup to catch the passing rain showers. I couldn't see the other boats out there with me, their occupants waving, tossing over goodies and asking me how I was. Wow, the ocean is crowded. And the shore's not so very far off. Why did I think I was so lost?
Thanks for the dopeslap, guys and gals.
Keep up hope, or you'll be as useful as a poopy-flavored lollipop! :*