Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am a person that likes nice surprises. Like for instance if you go raiding the cookie jar at night fully expecting it to be empty and surprise! there are three Oreos left, just what you needed to shush the craving. Perfection. As you can tell the surprise doesn't need to be big or elaborate.

Today I got three.

Surprise number one: After a doctor's appointment, my husband steered the truck over to a place I rarely go anymore, both because it's a fair distance from me and because I have been unemployed since the end of March.  The rather massive yarn store in the slightly seedy section of town! I am usually overwhelmed when I go in, even if I have a list. Today I was told to go in and just enjoy myself. I had no list. Imagine a five year old in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, and you'll be close to where I was today. But I am proud to say I restrained myself and settled for some screaming orange yarn for some secret projects, and some white and purple sock yarn for Rockies socks. Oh, and a set of metal double pointed needles for those socks, since I snap the bamboo ones with the abandon of a kung fu champion chopping through boards. Extreme knitting, rawr!

Surprise number two: Lunch at an out of the way Mexican restaurant I've been wanting to try. They have artwork by Frieda Kahlo all over the walls. Just by the look of the place I knew it could be good. I was not disappointed, and unlike everything else I've eaten this week it did not make my stomach rebel. Not even the chili rellenos. Yum! The "spicy" stuff wasn't as spicy as I can tolerate, but I let that slide this time. Next time we'll see what kind of fire they can put on. This place is much closer to home than the yarn store. There could be some real danger of money-suckage here, although the prices are excellent.

Surprise number three: My Bruins won the Stanley Cup tonight, after thirty-nine years without it. I was four years old in 1972, and I can barely remember the cup ceremony. Oh yes, my parents were watching, so I was watching. And I was watching tonight as they played hard and held aloft that Cup, well-deserved. As a New England girl born and raised, the circle has come round for all my teams now so I have nothing more to complain about in the sports department. I think I might even be able to forgive Bill Buckner now.

I'll think about that one a little bit more.

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