Thursday, May 5, 2011

Garlic, Lobsters, and Ice Cream

So I mentioned I had finished a project the other day, but the Westminster Canine Unit bumped that post yesterday. So, today you gets pics of the finished project:

What is it? It's a garlic bulb! I think I overstuffed it a little because it's supposed to look like it has cloves, with the slipped stitches up the sides helping the illusion. I love the little root hairs and its round, comfy shape. Best of all, it has no garlic odor, so I can carry  it around and spring it on unsuspecting non-knitters. I love the bemused looks that cross people's faces when they see a familiar object rendered into a knit toy. I've never met a person that didn't love these little objects. The whimsy is just too much to allow most people to try to maintain their serious exterior. Knitting toys; serious business!

So since I finished my garlic and my Shaun doll my needles are empty. I had a serious need-to-craft attack and ended up taking the youngest out with me to the craft store. Now, you might think this was tempting the Fates, but he was surprisingly well behaved. He even brought a few dollars to spend on something for himself, which I heartily approved of. We got him some red patterned fabric for a bow tie for him (I still have not worked up the spit to sew curves yet, so his older brother's still sits pinned and waiting), and some thread to match it. Then we had to go over to the fabric, because I'd had my eye on some lightweight flannel for ages, with the idea of pajama shorts for me. This is the pattern I OMG-had-to-have-it-or-I'll-just-die...

It was pricey, which is why I didn't grab it before now, but now I had the need-to-create juju on me. But the Fates were extra kind to me I picked up the bolt I noticed a sign....flannels 50% off! Score!

Picked up some thread and we were nearly done. My son had to decide between the impulse candy counter and some mini wooden paintable birdhouses that really drew his attention. After some consideration, he put the birdhouse back saying, "Maybe next time." and got himself a push pop. I was a little disappointed, but I didn't let on. A "maybe later" is better than making a beeline for the candy any day. He considered it, and being eight years old, the candy won. It was a better outcome than I expected.

We each paid for our purchases and went home, content. My son, flush with his purchasing success, heard the bells of the ice cream truck a few streets away and determined that he had enough for an ice cream when the truck made it to us. By this time his older brother was home from school and they both decided to wait together.

Sadly, it appeared the truck was moving away from us and not younger son waited for hours, going in and out and making the dog nervous, but the ice cream man never showed. He was very disappointed, but once I pointed out he had tomorrow off from school and he could wait again, he quieted down. He ended up going to the park with Dad and the dog instead.

So, now I have flannel with lobsters on, and a pattern. I still need something for my knitting needles. My younger son has suggested the next knit vegetable toy...a cucumber. I know he has an agenda, because he's never this excited over real vegetables. Or maybe he just loves the idea of being allowed to play with his food instead of having to eat it.

1 comment:

  1. I am officially obsessed with that mini-garlic, torn between the urge to bat it around like a mildly spastic feline, and stare at it in a sentimental-Italian sort of way. And next-up should be sushi, totally!
